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    Torre San Giovanni, Baia Verde, Pescoluse, Porto Selvaggio, Punta Prosciutto, Torre dell’Orso… are only some of the well known places of the region. Salento is very famous for its lovely coast, a mixture of white sand and low cliff, which offers a wide range of activities to its visitors.

    Alliste seashores:
    Capilungo e Posto Rosso

    The beaches of Capilungo e Posto Rosso are characterized by cliffs which allow people to take a bath by enjoying an uncontaminated green landscape, between olive trees and other plants of the region. Those who love a rocky sea bottom will surely find these beaches enchanting, even during the high season, when this area remains less crowded then sandy beaches.

    Baia Verde and Torre San Giovanni

    Gallipoli seashore is a very long one: from Punta Pizzo to Lido Conchiglie, a great varieties of beach resorts, together with free beaches, offer a lot of opportunities in terms of fun. In Baia Verde, indeed, summer days are full of activities: from the daily excursions into the pine forest to the aperitifs on the beach, to night life and its dj set till sunrise.
    Moreover, Torre San Giovanni, with its mediterranean climate it is ideal for those who love to sunbathe and then refresh into the clear Ionian Sea.

    the Maldive of Salento

    Pescoluse seashore is very famous for its sandy beaches (often compared to the Maldive ones) which go from Torre Pali to Torre Vado. It is the ideal place for those who are looking for calm and peace. Due to its lenght and depth, indeed, all the beach resorts of this area are well equipped with restaurants and private parking areas, by making life easier to those who want to spend an entire day by the sea, without giving up comforts.

    Mancaversa and Torre Suda:
    rocks immersed into clear waters

    Mancaversa, suburb of Taviano, is situated on the Jonic coast, south of Gallipoli and Punta Pizzo. It is far only 6 Km from Gallipoli and 30 km from Santa Maria di Leuca. Its beach is characterized by low rocky coastline, with little inlets named: Reniceddha, Paterte, Mare ti cavaddhi.
    Torre Suda, then, is the seashore of Racale and offers a coast filled with natural bays and smooth rocks.
    The two shores are connected by a cycle lane, in order to explore with calm all this unblemished part of Salento.

    Porto Cesareo:
    protected and uncontaminated nature

    Between the most well known touristic resorts of Salento, we find Porto Cesareo, with its very long seaside (17 km). Porto Cesareo hosts Italy third sea life sanctuary, in the area which goes from Punta Prosciutto to Torre Inserraglio, with sections of sandy coast and low rocky coastline.
    A particular mention is reserved to Punta Prosciutto with its clear water, white sand and dunes (many meters high).

    Santa Maria di Leuca:
    the extreme edge of Salento

    On the extreme edge of Salento, Santa Maria di Leuca is situated between Punta Ristola and Punta Meliso, where we find sandy beaches and rocky inlets.
    Punta Ciolo, then, is worth to be narrated and visited. It constitutes a panoramic point where divers can plunge into the sea from different hights. Very interesting too are Felloniche and San Gregorio seashores with their beach resorts. At "Lido Marinelli", in Torre san Gregorio, after sunbathing, you could even enjoy a dinner with the sea under your feet.

    towers, lands and bays

    Otranto offers a great varieties of beaches: from Baia dei Turchi and its pine forest (7 km far from the city) to a wonderful sandy inlet and clear water. By passing through the Natural Park of Alimini and leading towards north (after Torre Sant'Andrea) we find Torre dell'Orso, with its many inlets and bays with well-equipped beach resorts. Those who love wild and uncontaminated nature will surely appreciate Baia di Orte and Porto Badisco, characterized by mediterranen landscapes.

    unforgettable "Porto Selvaggio"

    Even if Nardò does not appear within the major lists of places worth to be visited in Salento, the oubounds of this city are very enchanting. From Santa Maria al Bagno (and its four ancient columns) to Santa Caterina and its peculiar configuration made up of big stairs which fall towards the sea, it offers a great varieties of choises.
    Last but not least, Porto Selvaggio (trad. "wild harbour") has one of the best uncontaminated beaches which can offer both relax and activity thanks to their untouched forests.
